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· 2 min read

Finally an update to the UI for this blog.

I've been working at AppDirect for 4 years now and over the past year we've been trying to remake our internal and external documentation.

It all started with a hackathon where myself and 3 other people decided to try out Docusaurus for our internal glossary. Within a little more than a day, we had the glossary up and running in Docusaurus, with a couple of extra features.

A couple of weeks later, we decided to convert all of our internal documentation to use Docusaurus. Since I had experience setting it up, I started the project. Our UI and UX teams helped in making it more attractive and personalized. They have also started converting our external developer documentation to use Docusaurus as well.

During all this time, I've been thinking about my blog and how it doesn't look so good when I compared it with just what's out of the box for Docusaurus. So over the past few weeks, I've converted my own website to Docusaurus.

Docusaurus also supports GitHub Pages natively and allows deploying with just a simple command.

Adding features will be a lot easier, adding content will be a lot easier. Hopefully that should give me some incentive to create more of it.