Another fun problem today.
Day 3: No Matter How You Slice It
First problem with a more complicated input and problem. I solved these by making a class defining a claim (containing the id, position, size) and another class defining the canvas (containing a matrix of claims touching each square inch). The claims are created by parsing each line with a regular expression.
Day 2: Inventory Management System
So this time around we're working with strings.
Day 1: Chronal Calibration
The first day of the advent of code challenge starts off pretty slowly. You basically just need to sum the numbers up. I've done this by just replacing the end of lines by a space and surrounding it in a LISP sum expression (+ ...)
Advent of Code
Small update to announce that my regular posting schedule will be change during the month of december as I will be posting solutions I come up with for the Advent of Code challenge: