CrudRepositories may seem like a nice way to boost productivity, but I think they lead to bad design and I'll explain why.
Book Review: Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests
Today I'll be doing a review of the book "Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests" by Steve Freeman and Nat Pryce.
Most people are aware of the TDD cycle of Fail - Pass - Refactor, this book uses this concept at a bigger level by doing acceptance tests with this cycle, which drives smaller cycles for integration and unit tests. It has a very good example solution which helps to understand how everything fits together on a larger scale.
New stuff in C#8: Nullable Reference Types
Today I'm starting a small series on new features coming to C#8.0, starting with Nullable Reference Types.
Jekyll, pagination, categorizing and Javascript
As some of you may know Jekyll is an application to build static websites. It's used by GitHub-Pages (where this blog is residing). One of the disadvantages of having a static website is that every page must be created before publishing it. This means that you cannot do filtering based on query parameters and such, and all the sub-pages for pagination must be generated before hand. Jekyll does allow extensions in Ruby to generate the pages, one of which is a paginator, but for some reason I've had trouble making it work on GitHub-Pages. The paginator also doesn't work with multiple languages like this blog.
WSL (or why I won't make Linux VMs in Windows)
Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) has been out for a couple of years now and many people have put in a lot of work to make it even better. It all started with the Bash on Ubuntu on Windows, but has since evolved to accept different distributions (there are a couple available in the Microsoft Store and you can install some yourself). It has been improved to the point that I don't see the point in running a Linux VM in Windows (unless you want other utilities of VMs such as copying the whole system or such).