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· 4 min read

This is the first book I have read since university. It was proposed to me not long after I joined the company I currently work at and is one of the inspirations for the way I work and this blog.

I'm going to talk about the C# version of the book (Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C#), but it also applies to the Java version (Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns, and Practices). Both books were written by Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob).

· 5 min read

There are a lot of tools to work with code now and it's getting harder and harder to choose between the different editors, IDEs, compilers, linkers, build engines, version control systems and such. How do you choose between all of them? I'll focus mainly on editors and IDEs for the moment might come back for other tools later on. My point here is not to tell you which editor or IDE to use or not, but help you choose the correct one for you.

· One min read

I recently decided to update my website and used this opportunity to learn a new (though old) technology: CSS Grid.

· 4 min read

This will be a small conclusion on my experience working of the advent of code challenge this year. I managed to finish all the problems on the 27th of December. My point was not to race for the 100 first places as other do, but simply complete the problems, which is why I was completing them the morning after they were posted, and didn't mind spending a little more time, especially since some of the problems were pretty complicated. I completed all the problems in 1621th place.